District 8C DCM Report
Oct. 26, 201-3 District Mtg.
I am happy to report that I had the pleasure of attending the sWTA 68 Fall Conference & Voting
Assembly held in Weslaco from Oct. t8-20. This trip was much more enjoyable and pleasureable than
the one I took to Round Rock. The room was very nice and appeared to have been recently remodeled,
as I also noted the shower fixtures appeared new and worked great.
The Assembly opened with registration at 4:00 pm , I arrived at approx. 6:30 Fri. evening. Area
Chairperson Denise Thorn did the opening welcome and theme presentation done by Dean Dubal, Dist.
10 DCM. Afterwards a recovery skit was performed by several members with a parody of Gilligans
lsland, which I really enjoyed and thought was real neat, and had some good laughs. That was followed
by a speaker from David T. When he was done the Area CIfficers & Chairs had a planning get together at
9:15 and that concluded the Fri. night events.
Sat. events started at 8:00 am with the welcome and opening readings, followed by introductions of
Area officers, chairs, DCMs,and GSRs The Area Sect., Treasure, and Registrar gave their reports.
According to the registrar there were 22A paid registrations at the assembly. At 8:45 GSR workshop and
Area committee meeting were held. I attended the area committee meeting facilitated by Alt. Area
Chairperson Jonathan Smith. I have the agenda of that mtg. if anyone would like to see. At 10:00 am
Fred Castro, Area comm. Bilingual chair gave a real good Spanish speaker mtg. which he did in English
and Spanish. At 1:15 business item was voted on, regarding the Delegate funding for this coming year
General Svc. Conf. in New York. Motion was made and passed to send GSO 52000.00 for the Delegates
trip, 5400.00 above what GSo suggests, which is $1600.00. We then broke for lunch, afterwards there
was one proposal that was voted on that did not pass, see newsletter. After that elections of area
officers began and lasted for some time. Area Officers elected were as follows: Delegate James Hurst,
Alt. Delegate Denise Thorn, Area Chairperson Jonathan Smith and Alt. Area Chairperson Stephen
Schaeffer. Also the nominations by the newly elected Delegate for the other area officers were as
follows :Area Treas. Don Stubblefield, Area Sect. Tony Ruiz and Area Reg. Sonya Baker. After dinner
Delegate Pam iurica gave her farewells that was followed by Regional Trustee Clayton Vandivort being
the nights last speaker. The raffle followed shortly there after, with me winning a small price.
Sun. events started at 8:30 am with the days opening by Den ise. The Area Comm. Report was given by
Area Sect. Jere Johnson. The GSR workshop report given by Cindy Johnson, Area Svc. Comm. Reports
given by the rest of the area chairs. After a short break the ask it basket followed with various questions
being submitted, see notes. That was followed by the last speaker of the conf. Jim Chancy. Afterwards
the Conf. closed at approx. 1l-:30am. This was a condensed version of the weekends activities, I have
notes that go into more detail if anyone would like to see them. At this time I would like to thank all of
you for placing your trust in me to be your trusted servant and will continue to do my best to serve you
to the best of my ability. lt was a very informative weekend and had lots of fun as well. I look forward to
the next assembly which is the winter workshop to be held in New Braunfels Jan. 17-19 20j.4. Once
again thank you, your Dist. 8C DCM Mario Rodriguez.

Saturday, October 26, 2013
District 8C Minutes of 8-31-13 meeting (approved)
District 8 Meeting
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Group Attendance:
. Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville -Linda, Bill J, Gary D
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego -
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
o Una Dia a LaYez, Kingsville - Jose
Minutes of July meeting were read by Linda K. and approved as corrected.
Finance report was givefby Linda K.
Committee Reports:
o CFCiJimmy K. (not present)
r Website/Steve M: Started a BLOG for the District
o Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: emailed it to CBLA. Has some printed at home, will
bring to future meetings.
o PI/PCP/Don J: (not present)
o Treatment
o Bilingual:
o Grapevine/Tomas: (not present)
DCM Report:
Mario handed out his printed report and read it to the group. The report included
personal notes to members, activities in his home group 2nd Chance, and his participation
in the Area 68 PVCPC Conference August 16-18 in Austin. Mario will be attending the
Area 68 Fall Assembly October 18, 19,20 in Weslaco.
Old Business:
o The Sept. 2l workshop on "Seryice and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group was reminded of their commihent to bring a food
item to be served at the event, also, to invite members from their groups.
o The idea of hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC Conference was discussed again. It
is still on the "back bumer."
o Archives are still in the *thought process" and hopefully will surface soon.
New Business:
o Motion made by Bill J, 2nd Steve M to have District 8C pay for a case of Big
Books to be mailed to Glossbrenner SAF-P Unit. Linda K will order them on her
credit card when she orders a personal contribution to the Unit; ttre District will
reimbrnse her for their share. Motion passed.
o Motion made by Steve G, 2ott Linda K to have a special line item for literature
included in the finance report. The literatrne fund would be used to buy bools for
any of the correctional facilities within our disfiict. Motion passed.
The basket was passed according to the 7tr Tradition; collections totaled $78.
Next meeting will be September 2l at l:30 pm. The workshop given by James H. will be
in lieu of an official district meeting. If there are urgent items to discuss, members will
meet immediately after the workshop to take care of business.
Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with the Responsibility Statement.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda K, Secretary
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Group Attendance:
. Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville -Linda, Bill J, Gary D
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego -
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
o Una Dia a LaYez, Kingsville - Jose
Minutes of July meeting were read by Linda K. and approved as corrected.
Finance report was givefby Linda K.
Committee Reports:
o CFCiJimmy K. (not present)
r Website/Steve M: Started a BLOG for the District
o Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: emailed it to CBLA. Has some printed at home, will
bring to future meetings.
o PI/PCP/Don J: (not present)
o Treatment
o Bilingual:
o Grapevine/Tomas: (not present)
DCM Report:
Mario handed out his printed report and read it to the group. The report included
personal notes to members, activities in his home group 2nd Chance, and his participation
in the Area 68 PVCPC Conference August 16-18 in Austin. Mario will be attending the
Area 68 Fall Assembly October 18, 19,20 in Weslaco.
Old Business:
o The Sept. 2l workshop on "Seryice and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group was reminded of their commihent to bring a food
item to be served at the event, also, to invite members from their groups.
o The idea of hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC Conference was discussed again. It
is still on the "back bumer."
o Archives are still in the *thought process" and hopefully will surface soon.
New Business:
o Motion made by Bill J, 2nd Steve M to have District 8C pay for a case of Big
Books to be mailed to Glossbrenner SAF-P Unit. Linda K will order them on her
credit card when she orders a personal contribution to the Unit; ttre District will
reimbrnse her for their share. Motion passed.
o Motion made by Steve G, 2ott Linda K to have a special line item for literature
included in the finance report. The literatrne fund would be used to buy bools for
any of the correctional facilities within our disfiict. Motion passed.
The basket was passed according to the 7tr Tradition; collections totaled $78.
Next meeting will be September 2l at l:30 pm. The workshop given by James H. will be
in lieu of an official district meeting. If there are urgent items to discuss, members will
meet immediately after the workshop to take care of business.
Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with the Responsibility Statement.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda K, Secretary
Thursday, October 17, 2013
with us?
AA Thought for the
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
October 17, 2013
It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what,
there is something wrong with us.
If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also.
But are there no exceptions to this rule?
What about "justifiable" anger? If somebody cheats us, aren't we entitled to be mad?
Can't we be properly angry with self-righteous folk?
For us of AA these are dangerous exceptions. We have found that justified anger
ought to be left to those better qualified to handle it.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 90
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
October 17, 2013
It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what,
there is something wrong with us.
If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also.
But are there no exceptions to this rule?
What about "justifiable" anger? If somebody cheats us, aren't we entitled to be mad?
Can't we be properly angry with self-righteous folk?
For us of AA these are dangerous exceptions. We have found that justified anger
ought to be left to those better qualified to handle it.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 90
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