District 8C Meeting
Saturday June21,2014
DCM Report
Greetings, and thank you all for making the effort and commitment in attending todays meeting glad
you are all here.
As far as my monthly DCM report is concerned I really don't have a lot to report, as of last months
meeting. Would like to say that I feel the workshop we hosted last month on May Z4th was a big success
and would like to thank you all for your attendance and all the help. I really enjoyed it and found it to be
very informative. Would like to thank our Area 68 PI/CPC chair, Linda D. and her traveling companion for
their efforts and service, I feel they did a great job. I would also like to thank everyone that brought
refreshments and goodies.
Also glad to report that reservations have already been made at the motel 6 in Victor.ia for the upcoming
summer workshop assembly to be held July l1th thru 13th that I will be attending. So looking forward to
being there and representing District 8C. And once again would like to say thank you all for supporting
I am also continuing my efforts in visiting the groups within the District as much as I am able to. lt is
always a pleasure to visit. lt appears that the Alice group is continuing to pick up speed in their meetings
as well, I had the pleasure of attending this past Monday and had an attendance of 13 members. Would
like to thank those that stepped up to fill the need of leadership position. Am also happy to report that
by the time we read this report, the Premont Group will have had its first Friday night meeting.
Meetings are planned for every Friday night from 8-9 pm at the Hidalgo Park Baptist Church, located at
330 SE 4th street in Premont. Would like to invite all in the surrounding area to please come and support
this new meeting. And thanks to those members for their efforts and hard work in making this happen.
This pretty much concludes my monthly report, continue to look forward to visiting with you all at your
home groups, serving you as your DCM and to assist in any way that I can. Once again thank you all for
your continued support and encouragement. And also thanks to all who come and visit us at the 2nd
Chance group in Falfurrias, it is always a pleasure to have you guys visit, "Keep Coming Back!"
Truly yours in Sobriety,
Mario R. SWTA 68 District 8C DCM

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
AA Thought for the Day
Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
June 26, 2014
Now is the time, the only time there is.
And if we are not kind to ourselves right now, we certainly cannot rightfully expect respect
or consideration from others.
We have found we can enjoy, sober, every good thing we enjoyed while drinking -- and many, many more.
It takes a little practice, but the rewards more than make up for the effort. . .
Unless we cherish our own recovery, we cannot survive to become unselfish, ethical,
and socially responsible people.
- Living Sober, p. 42
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
June 26, 2014
Now is the time, the only time there is.
And if we are not kind to ourselves right now, we certainly cannot rightfully expect respect
or consideration from others.
We have found we can enjoy, sober, every good thing we enjoyed while drinking -- and many, many more.
It takes a little practice, but the rewards more than make up for the effort. . .
Unless we cherish our own recovery, we cannot survive to become unselfish, ethical,
and socially responsible people.
- Living Sober, p. 42
Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.
Friday, June 13, 2014
New AA Group in Premont
first meeting of the Premont Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will take place on Friday
night June 20th at 8:00 pm at the Hidalgo Park Baptist Church in
Premont. The address is 330 SE 4th Street in Premont. Please come
and support this new AA group in Premont!!
more information call Mario R
AA Thought for the Day June 14, 2014
Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
June 14, 2014
Stay Here
If you want to Get Ahead with any degree of peace, you must first learn to Stay Here.
It takes guts to Stay Here; it takes self-discipline and resolution.
Anyone with a one-track mind can Get Ahead. . .
But to Stay Here, you must know where you are before you can know where you are going.
You must seek before you can find, and you must ask before you really learn to seek.
It takes humility to ask, patience to wait for the answer, and faith that the answer will come.
- Came To Believe . . ., p. 114
Thought to Ponder . . .
When in doubt, be silent. Grow where you are planted
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(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
June 14, 2014
Stay Here
If you want to Get Ahead with any degree of peace, you must first learn to Stay Here.
It takes guts to Stay Here; it takes self-discipline and resolution.
Anyone with a one-track mind can Get Ahead. . .
But to Stay Here, you must know where you are before you can know where you are going.
You must seek before you can find, and you must ask before you really learn to seek.
It takes humility to ask, patience to wait for the answer, and faith that the answer will come.
- Came To Believe . . ., p. 114
Thought to Ponder . . .
When in doubt, be silent. Grow where you are planted
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ScheduleThe Daily Thought Discussion Board
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