Saturday, October 31, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 31, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 31, 2015

I have shortcomings and defects of character.  I never have been and never can be perfect.
As that realization became a part of me -- and it took time -- it brought me one of the greatest of the many blessings
that have come to me from AA.
I learned to accept myself as a fallible human being.  I do not have to strive for perfection.
Mistakes are permissible.  I have the right to be wrong.  And what a comfort that thought is to me,
as I make my bemused way through life, one foot in a bucket, pushing on doors marked "Pull."

- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2], pp. 167-168

Thought to Ponder . . .
Let me be wise enough to know when I am wrong.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
T H I N K = Thank Heavens, I Now Know.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
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Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 30, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 30, 2015

That word "serenity" looked like an impossible goal when we first saw the prayer.
In fact, if serenity meant apathy, bitter resignation, or stolid endurance, then we didn't even want to aim at it.
But we found that serenity meant no such thing.  When it comes to us now, it is more as plain recognition --
a clear-eyed, realistic way of seeing the world, accompanied by inner peace and strength.
Serenity is like a gyroscope that lets us keep our balance no matter what turbulence swirls around us.
And that is a state of mind worth aiming for.

- Living Sober, p. 19

Thought to Ponder . . .
Serenity isn't freedom from the storm; it is peace within the storm.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
K I S S = Keep It Serenely Simple.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 28, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 28, 2015

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"Under very trying conditions I have had, again and again, to forgive others -- also myself.
Have you recently tried this?"

- As Bill Sees It, p. 268

Thought to Ponder . . .
Forgiveness is the final form of love.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Thank God I'm Forgiven.

A Member Shares:
Hi all, I'm Claudia, an alcoholic.  It's been my experience that resentments, or lack of forgiveness, become a stronghold which can have power over me as much as drinking can.  Alcohol and resentments are the strongholds, and I am the prisoner.  Usually, the person I resent is going about life and I’m stuck in stewing.  I must remember that forgiving doesn’t necessarily let the “offender” off the hook, but forgiveness does free me to live in the day and in the moment.  I don’t miss that jail of mental insanity and anguish at all.  The ability to let go of resentments and live is but one of the blessings afforded me as I work this program.  Forgiveness may not mean that I forget, but it does mean I don’t dwell on the offense … real or imagined.  I let go and let God deal with it as often as I need.  Forgiveness is for me.  It doesn’t change the past but it does enlarge my future.  Forgiveness and letting go of resentment is a choice, and God always honors my puny efforts.  I am able to forgive much because I have been forgiven much and for that I am grateful.  As long as I continue to do the next right thing, stay in contact with God and my sponsor, and maintain a spirit of humility, I live life abundantly without the baggage of heavy resentments.  I think I’ll do that again … just for today.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Monday, October 26, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 27, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 27, 2015

We are convinced, after countless attempts to prove otherwise, that alcoholism is incurable -- just like some other illnesses.
It cannot be "cured" in this sense: We cannot change our body chemistry
and go back to being the normal, moderate social drinkers lots of us seemed to be in our youth.
As some of us put it, we can no more make that change than a pickle can change itself back into a cucumber.
No medication or psychological treatment any of us ever had "cured" our alcoholism.

- Living Sober, p. 8

Thought to Ponder . . .
If I think I am an alcoholic, chances are I am.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
N E W = Nothing Else Worked.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 26, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 26, 2015

Is there no hope for the very intelligent alcoholic who cannot see that it's his ego, not his IQ, that is the issue in his drinking?
Yes, there is indeed hope.  By a paradox he will later rejoice in, but cannot recognize today, his progressive illness will save him.
If it doesn't kill him first, alcoholism will beat him to his knees.  Pain will be his educator, his mentor.
He will topple from the throne from which he has looked down with condescension upon "those alcoholics."
He will echo the words at the end of Chapter Two of the Big Book: "Yes, I am one of them; I must have this thing."

- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 3], pp. 308-309

Thought to Ponder . . .
Pride in my intelligence blinded me to how much I did not know.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
P R I D E = Personal Recovery Involves Deflating Ego.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
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Please go to our Website
G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 25, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 25, 2015

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An Attitude of Gratitude
When I was drinking, my attitude was totally selfish, totally self-centered; my pleasure and my comfort came first.
Now that I am sober, self-seeking has started to slip away.
My whole attitude toward life and other people is changing. . . .
My attitude now is that I am willing to go to any length to stay sober!

- Daily Reflections, p. 161

Thought to Ponder . . .
Grateful is a feeling.  Gratitude is an action.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Attitude Adjustment.

A Member Shares:
Hi all, I'm Shawn, an alcoholic.  It doesn't take long for my mind to go into self-centered mode.  I catch myself, or I'm reminded by someone that life isn't all about me.  Because of the program, I can correct these self-centered actions; hopefully they don't occur too many times in a day.  More often than not, if I put into practice an attitude of gratitude, I can enjoy my day while being a better person.  I can make a physical or mental list of what I'm truly grateful for, and that list has seemed to grow since finding AA.  If I don't practice being grateful, my life will most likely become miserable quickly, to the point where I don't want to be around myself.  It can be frustrating thinking that I've been sober several years but still need to constantly work the program to have some serenity.  Early in sobriety, I would make gratitude lists but I was just going through the motions and not really grateful.  Today, I'm truly grateful for all those same things and I owe it to my Higher Power, the program, and all of you for helping me live the way I do today.  My perspective toward life has changed since coming to AA.  It’s a beautiful way to go through life by feeling grateful for having a roof over my head.  Thank you all for being here and for helping me to stay sober one more day.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

AA Thought for the Day - October 24, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 24, 2015

A New Life
I was allowing others to control my sense of well-being and behavior.
I came to understand that the behavior, opinions and thoughts of others were none of my business.
The only business I was to be concerned with was my own!
I asked my Higher Power to remove from me everything that stood in the way of my usefulness to Him and others,
and to help me build a new life.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 468

Thought to Ponder . . .
New ideals and new attitudes bring a new life.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Always Aware.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 23, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 23, 2015

I know the biggest word for me in AA is "honesty."
I don't believe this program would work for me if I didn't get honest with myself about everything.
Honesty is the easiest word for me to understand because it is the exact opposite of what I've been doing all my life.
Therefore, it will be the hardest to work on.
But I will never be totally honest with myself -- that would make me perfect, and none of us can claim to be perfect.
Only God is.  If I work on it every day, it will be easier to be honest with myself.

- Experience, Strength and Hope, pp. 400-401

Thought to Ponder . . .
Honesty isn't an event -- it's a process.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O W = Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website
G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 22, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 22, 2015

An Answer
If you still think you are strong enough to beat the game alone, that is your affair.
But if you really and truly want to quit drinking liquor for good and all, and sincerely feel that you must have some help,
we know that we have an answer for you.
It never fails, if you go about it with one half the zeal you have been in the habit of showing when you were getting another drink.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 181

Thought to Ponder . . .
If we want to quit drinking, we are going to have to quit drinking.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Answer Available.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including

Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 21, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 21, 2015

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If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it
-- then you are ready to take certain steps.
At some of these we balked.  We thought we could find an easier, softer way.  But we could not.
With all the earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start.
Some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 58

Thought to Ponder . . .
A fear faced is a fear erased.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.

A Member Shares:
Hi, I'm Deb, a grateful alcoholic.  When I came to the rooms of AA, all I wanted was to live.  It took me a few months to realize that in fact, I actually wanted what the truly sober AA's had, which pretty much boiled down to Peace of Mind and Peace in their Hearts.  I wanted that.  But when I read those Twelve Steps posted on the wall I was afraid because they told me that they worked those Steps to achieve what I wanted.  When I truly surrendered on August 1, 2004, my desire to live a full, productive life became stronger than my fear of those Steps on the wall, and I began my journey ... and what a lovely journey it has been to Peace of Mind and Peace at Heart!  I followed the path that was laid out in the Big Book and was guided by truly sober-thinking, sober-acting friends.  For that, I am so very grateful because I was blessed in more ways than I can count.  Don't let your fear stop you from living the life that is waiting for you.  Thanks.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Monday, October 19, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 20, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 20, 2015

The simple contrast between active alcoholism and active sobriety has helped me to seek, to listen,
and to apply the good principles of living,
and I am rewarded with much more excitement and joy than was mine before AA sobriety.

- Came To Believe . . ., p. 4

Thought to Ponder . . .
The joy is in the journey, so enjoy the ride.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
B E S T = Been Enjoying Sobriety Today?
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 19, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 19, 2015

Until I could honestly look at myself and see that I was the problem in many situations
and react appropriately inside and out;
until I could discard my expectations and understand that my serenity was directly proportional to them,
I could not experience serenity and sound sobriety.

- Daily Reflections, p. 71

Thought to Ponder . . .
My disappointments are equal to my expectations.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H A L T = Honesty, Acceptance, Love, Trust.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

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** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 18, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 18, 2015

~ Scroll Down for Share ~

Service in AA
An AA service is anything whatever that helps us reach a fellow sufferer --
ranging all the way from the Twelfth Step itself to a ten-cent phone call and a cup of coffee,
and to our General Service Office for worldwide AA work.  The sum total of all these is our Third Legacy of Service.
Whether performed by individuals or groups or areas of AA as a whole, these activities are vital to our existence and growth.

- GSR May Be The Most Important Job In AA, pamphlet P-19

Thought to Ponder . . .
Service is gratitude in action.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Ashtrays, Brooms, Coffee.

A Member Shares:
I'm Maureen, an alcoholic.  I recently got back into a type of service in the district as the General Service Representative for a meeting.  I have done it before in a few different areas and lately it has taken me to a lot of meetings I don't usually go to, which is great.  I am trying to spread the word on a function I am heading up, and went to two different meetings after work, including my old Home Group.  And I also went by two halfway houses to invite them.  So it has been a little incentive to get out of the "comfort zone" of the same old meetings and not so many meetings, to going to more of them.  One of the good service jobs I had in the beginning was making coffee at a Step Meeting.  It was a really nice intimate group in a little country church, and with couches in the basement meeting room … a pretty small group.  And I would be there a half hour before, and half hour after, so got to meet lots of people that way and it was a great meeting.  There are a lot of areas in AA that always need help like taking meetings to jails and treatment centers, as well as all of the other things that every group needs.  It can be a lifeline to sobriety to have a job in your Home Group, because when I "don't feel like going tonight" it can get me there.  Thank you.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:

Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

Please add us to your contacts/address book so this is not marked as spam.

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Friday, October 16, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 17, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 17, 2015

The Tremendous Fact
The tremendous fact for every one of us is that we have discovered a common solution.
We have a way out on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action.
This is the great news this book carries to those who suffer from alcoholism.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 17

Thought to Ponder . . .
Walk softly and carry a Big Book.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A B C = Accept, Begin, Continue.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 16, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 16, 2015

Until now, our lives have been largely devoted to running from pain and problems.
Escape via the bottle was always the solution.  Then, in AA, we looked and listened.
Everywhere we saw failure and misery transformed by humility into priceless assets.

- As Bill Sees It, p. 156

Thought to Ponder . . .
Humility is not thinking less of myself, but thinking of my self less.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Always Alive.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

Please add us to your contacts/address book so this is not marked as spam.

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - October 15, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

October 15, 2015

Adolescent Urges
Those adolescent urges that so many of us have for top approval, perfect security, and perfect romance
-- urges quite appropriate to age seventeen -- prove to be an impossible way of life when we are at age forty-seven or fifty-seven.
Since AA began, I've taken immense wallops in all these areas because of my failure to grow up, emotionally and spiritually.
My God, how painful it is to keep demanding the impossible, and how very painful to discover, finally,
that all along we have had the cart before the horse!

- The Language of the Heart, p. 236

Thought to Ponder . . .
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional, growing spiritually is up to me.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
W I S D O M = When Into Self, Discover Our Motives.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

Please add us to your contacts/address book so this is not marked as spam.

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.