Hello Friends,
The following is for your information.
AA-Alive.net will be hosting 3 alkathons, Christmas day, New Year's Eve and New Year's day. The schedules are as follows.
Christmas day, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2013
3:00am, 5:00am, 8:00am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm, 11:00pm
New Year's eve, Tuesday, Dec.31, 2013
8:00am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm,11:00pm
New Year's day, Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014
3:00am, 8:00am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, 8:00pm, 11:00pm
It would be a good idea to post this several times during the month.
Thank you, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody.
Jackie L, alt. IGR, AA-Alive.net
PS Our url is www.aa-alive.net and we have open chat between meetings
24/7 if anybody wants to visit before Christmas.

Saturday, December 21, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Carrying the Message
~~~ Holiday Alkathon! ~~~
Come celebrate with us!
December 25 Christmas Alkathon Meeting Times (Eastern Time)
3:00am, 5:00am, 8:00am,11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm,11:00pm.
AA Thought for the
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
December 20, 2013
Carrying the Message
What message? Hope. Example. The way out. The way back.
A handful of simple principles to unravel most our snarled-up problems.
A touch of humor -- not taking ourselves so damned seriously.
Meetings. Availability. Talk, talk, talk. The willingness to listen with understanding
as the still-suffering alcoholic thrashes his way out of his mental mire.
Tolerance. Guilelessness. The honesty to face situations and people,
not go around them by the old, familiar route of sneakiness and subverted honesty.
"Carrying the message" is all these things.
- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2], p. 179
Thought to Ponder . . .
In AA we carry the message ... not the mess.
AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
T L C = Tears, Laughter, Caring.
Come celebrate with us!
December 25 Christmas Alkathon Meeting Times (Eastern Time)
3:00am, 5:00am, 8:00am,11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm,11:00pm.
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
December 20, 2013
Carrying the Message
What message? Hope. Example. The way out. The way back.
A handful of simple principles to unravel most our snarled-up problems.
A touch of humor -- not taking ourselves so damned seriously.
Meetings. Availability. Talk, talk, talk. The willingness to listen with understanding
as the still-suffering alcoholic thrashes his way out of his mental mire.
Tolerance. Guilelessness. The honesty to face situations and people,
not go around them by the old, familiar route of sneakiness and subverted honesty.
"Carrying the message" is all these things.
- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2], p. 179
Thought to Ponder . . .
In AA we carry the message ... not the mess.
AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
T L C = Tears, Laughter, Caring.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your
experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
Our Daily Thought Discussion Board is Live and Online!
Please join us for thoughtful conversation at:
AA-Alive Online Meetings at:
8:00 AM Daily
2:00 PM Daily
8:00 PM Daily
11:00 PM Daily
(all times in Eastern Time)
All are welcome to attend!
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
Our Daily Thought Discussion Board is Live and Online!
Please join us for thoughtful conversation at:
AA-Alive Online Meetings at:
8:00 AM Daily
2:00 PM Daily
8:00 PM Daily
11:00 PM Daily
(all times in Eastern Time)
All are welcome to attend!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
~~~ Holiday Alkathon! ~~~
Come celebrate with us!
December 25 Christmas Alkathon Meeting Times (Eastern Time)
3:00am, 5:00am, 8:00am,11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm,11:00pm.
AA Thought for the
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
December 18, 2013
~ Scroll Down for Share ~
My level of comfort is in direct relationship
to the degree of willingness I possess at any given moment to give up my self-will,
and allow God's will to be manifested in my life.
With the key of willingness, my worries and fears are powerfully transformed into serenity.
- Daily Reflections, p. 75
Thought to Ponder . . .
I can't do His will my way.
AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
W H O = Willingness, Honesty, Open-mindedness.
Come celebrate with us!
December 25 Christmas Alkathon Meeting Times (Eastern Time)
3:00am, 5:00am, 8:00am,11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm,11:00pm.
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
December 18, 2013
~ Scroll Down for Share ~
My level of comfort is in direct relationship
to the degree of willingness I possess at any given moment to give up my self-will,
and allow God's will to be manifested in my life.
With the key of willingness, my worries and fears are powerfully transformed into serenity.
- Daily Reflections, p. 75
Thought to Ponder . . .
I can't do His will my way.
AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
W H O = Willingness, Honesty, Open-mindedness.
A Member Shares:
Good morning everyone, my name is Debra and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic. I have been working on Step Three with my group for the last few weeks and have discovered that it is really at the heart of my recovery. When I first came into AA I was willing to turn my will over to anyone who could help me to stop feeling the way I was feeling. I was desperate. I hadn't lost any of the outside stuff but my insides were a total disaster -- my soul was basically dead. As time went on, I often asked the question "How do I know what God's will for me is?" I was baffled by this. But the more I come around, the clearer it is to me and sometimes the harder it is to follow. One thing I know for sure is that God, as I understand him/her, wants me to be sober and happy. But it is the day-to-day situations that sometimes confuse me so I try to keep a couple of things in mind. The first is that if ever I am confused about God's will for me I just don't do or say anything. I find that my gut usually gives me the answer, because the more AA I have in my head and in my heart, the more I get that unsettled feeling in my gut when something just doesn't feel right. And if I don't listen to that little voice inside my head and heart, I will get farther away from what God wants for me. And the farther I get away from that, the closer I get to picking up a drink. With all the noise of the world it is not always easy but if I just keep coming, the wisdom I get from AA drowns out all that noise. God will never lead me astray. And for today, I plan on turning my will and my life over to the God of my understanding. Thanks everyone for being here.
To respond to the sharer, please emailDTShare@aa-alive.org and it will be
forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
Good morning everyone, my name is Debra and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic. I have been working on Step Three with my group for the last few weeks and have discovered that it is really at the heart of my recovery. When I first came into AA I was willing to turn my will over to anyone who could help me to stop feeling the way I was feeling. I was desperate. I hadn't lost any of the outside stuff but my insides were a total disaster -- my soul was basically dead. As time went on, I often asked the question "How do I know what God's will for me is?" I was baffled by this. But the more I come around, the clearer it is to me and sometimes the harder it is to follow. One thing I know for sure is that God, as I understand him/her, wants me to be sober and happy. But it is the day-to-day situations that sometimes confuse me so I try to keep a couple of things in mind. The first is that if ever I am confused about God's will for me I just don't do or say anything. I find that my gut usually gives me the answer, because the more AA I have in my head and in my heart, the more I get that unsettled feeling in my gut when something just doesn't feel right. And if I don't listen to that little voice inside my head and heart, I will get farther away from what God wants for me. And the farther I get away from that, the closer I get to picking up a drink. With all the noise of the world it is not always easy but if I just keep coming, the wisdom I get from AA drowns out all that noise. God will never lead me astray. And for today, I plan on turning my will and my life over to the God of my understanding. Thanks everyone for being here.
To respond to the sharer, please email
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
Our Daily Thought Discussion Board is Live and
Please join us for thoughtful conversation at:
Please join us for thoughtful conversation at:
Sunday, December 8, 2013
AA Thought for the Day December 8, 2013
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
December 8, 2013
~ Scroll Down for Share ~
Step Three
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him."
To every worldly and practical beginner, this Step looks hard, even impossible.
No matter how much one wishes to try, exactly how can he turn his own will and his own life
over to the care of whatever God he thinks there is?
Fortunately, we who have tried it, and with equal misgivings,
can testify that anyone, anyone at all, can begin to do it.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 35
Thought to Ponder . . .
What have I been given today?
Am I willing to reach out and grasp it?
A Member Shares:
My name is Hope, an alcoholic. I said at my first Women's Group that I want to live in Step Three, and the older ladies smiled. I felt silly -- such an obvious thought. The very first Third Step decision I made was to come each day to the first meeting. I didn't have to decide each day. I made one global decision, and indeed that has taught me how to listen. So I began to appreciate listening. I think the big question, as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions says, is "How?." Just, how? And we are all seekers and finders each day. To bring my will in line with God's will -- that is the big "How" question one day at a time. And the path is beautiful. Who could have imagined asking such questions before? Not me. It's a gift at the heart of my sober life.
My name is Hope, an alcoholic. I said at my first Women's Group that I want to live in Step Three, and the older ladies smiled. I felt silly -- such an obvious thought. The very first Third Step decision I made was to come each day to the first meeting. I didn't have to decide each day. I made one global decision, and indeed that has taught me how to listen. So I began to appreciate listening. I think the big question, as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions says, is "How?." Just, how? And we are all seekers and finders each day. To bring my will in line with God's will -- that is the big "How" question one day at a time. And the path is beautiful. Who could have imagined asking such questions before? Not me. It's a gift at the heart of my sober life.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
AA Thought for the Day
Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
7, 2013
Making Plans
On awakening, let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead.
We consider our plans for the day.
Before we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking,
especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity,
dishonest or self-seeking motives. Under these conditions,
we can employ our mental faculties with assurance,
for after all God gave us brains to use.- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 86
Making Plans
On awakening, let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead.
We consider our plans for the day.
Before we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking,
especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity,
dishonest or self-seeking motives. Under these conditions,
we can employ our mental faculties with assurance,
for after all God gave us brains to use.- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 86
Saturday, October 26, 2013
October DCM Report
District 8C DCM Report
Oct. 26, 201-3 District Mtg.
I am happy to report that I had the pleasure of attending the sWTA 68 Fall Conference & Voting
Assembly held in Weslaco from Oct. t8-20. This trip was much more enjoyable and pleasureable than
the one I took to Round Rock. The room was very nice and appeared to have been recently remodeled,
as I also noted the shower fixtures appeared new and worked great.
The Assembly opened with registration at 4:00 pm , I arrived at approx. 6:30 Fri. evening. Area
Chairperson Denise Thorn did the opening welcome and theme presentation done by Dean Dubal, Dist.
10 DCM. Afterwards a recovery skit was performed by several members with a parody of Gilligans
lsland, which I really enjoyed and thought was real neat, and had some good laughs. That was followed
by a speaker from David T. When he was done the Area CIfficers & Chairs had a planning get together at
9:15 and that concluded the Fri. night events.
Sat. events started at 8:00 am with the welcome and opening readings, followed by introductions of
Area officers, chairs, DCMs,and GSRs The Area Sect., Treasure, and Registrar gave their reports.
According to the registrar there were 22A paid registrations at the assembly. At 8:45 GSR workshop and
Area committee meeting were held. I attended the area committee meeting facilitated by Alt. Area
Chairperson Jonathan Smith. I have the agenda of that mtg. if anyone would like to see. At 10:00 am
Fred Castro, Area comm. Bilingual chair gave a real good Spanish speaker mtg. which he did in English
and Spanish. At 1:15 business item was voted on, regarding the Delegate funding for this coming year
General Svc. Conf. in New York. Motion was made and passed to send GSO 52000.00 for the Delegates
trip, 5400.00 above what GSo suggests, which is $1600.00. We then broke for lunch, afterwards there
was one proposal that was voted on that did not pass, see newsletter. After that elections of area
officers began and lasted for some time. Area Officers elected were as follows: Delegate James Hurst,
Alt. Delegate Denise Thorn, Area Chairperson Jonathan Smith and Alt. Area Chairperson Stephen
Schaeffer. Also the nominations by the newly elected Delegate for the other area officers were as
follows :Area Treas. Don Stubblefield, Area Sect. Tony Ruiz and Area Reg. Sonya Baker. After dinner
Delegate Pam iurica gave her farewells that was followed by Regional Trustee Clayton Vandivort being
the nights last speaker. The raffle followed shortly there after, with me winning a small price.
Sun. events started at 8:30 am with the days opening by Den ise. The Area Comm. Report was given by
Area Sect. Jere Johnson. The GSR workshop report given by Cindy Johnson, Area Svc. Comm. Reports
given by the rest of the area chairs. After a short break the ask it basket followed with various questions
being submitted, see notes. That was followed by the last speaker of the conf. Jim Chancy. Afterwards
the Conf. closed at approx. 1l-:30am. This was a condensed version of the weekends activities, I have
notes that go into more detail if anyone would like to see them. At this time I would like to thank all of
you for placing your trust in me to be your trusted servant and will continue to do my best to serve you
to the best of my ability. lt was a very informative weekend and had lots of fun as well. I look forward to
the next assembly which is the winter workshop to be held in New Braunfels Jan. 17-19 20j.4. Once
again thank you, your Dist. 8C DCM Mario Rodriguez.
Oct. 26, 201-3 District Mtg.
I am happy to report that I had the pleasure of attending the sWTA 68 Fall Conference & Voting
Assembly held in Weslaco from Oct. t8-20. This trip was much more enjoyable and pleasureable than
the one I took to Round Rock. The room was very nice and appeared to have been recently remodeled,
as I also noted the shower fixtures appeared new and worked great.
The Assembly opened with registration at 4:00 pm , I arrived at approx. 6:30 Fri. evening. Area
Chairperson Denise Thorn did the opening welcome and theme presentation done by Dean Dubal, Dist.
10 DCM. Afterwards a recovery skit was performed by several members with a parody of Gilligans
lsland, which I really enjoyed and thought was real neat, and had some good laughs. That was followed
by a speaker from David T. When he was done the Area CIfficers & Chairs had a planning get together at
9:15 and that concluded the Fri. night events.
Sat. events started at 8:00 am with the welcome and opening readings, followed by introductions of
Area officers, chairs, DCMs,and GSRs The Area Sect., Treasure, and Registrar gave their reports.
According to the registrar there were 22A paid registrations at the assembly. At 8:45 GSR workshop and
Area committee meeting were held. I attended the area committee meeting facilitated by Alt. Area
Chairperson Jonathan Smith. I have the agenda of that mtg. if anyone would like to see. At 10:00 am
Fred Castro, Area comm. Bilingual chair gave a real good Spanish speaker mtg. which he did in English
and Spanish. At 1:15 business item was voted on, regarding the Delegate funding for this coming year
General Svc. Conf. in New York. Motion was made and passed to send GSO 52000.00 for the Delegates
trip, 5400.00 above what GSo suggests, which is $1600.00. We then broke for lunch, afterwards there
was one proposal that was voted on that did not pass, see newsletter. After that elections of area
officers began and lasted for some time. Area Officers elected were as follows: Delegate James Hurst,
Alt. Delegate Denise Thorn, Area Chairperson Jonathan Smith and Alt. Area Chairperson Stephen
Schaeffer. Also the nominations by the newly elected Delegate for the other area officers were as
follows :Area Treas. Don Stubblefield, Area Sect. Tony Ruiz and Area Reg. Sonya Baker. After dinner
Delegate Pam iurica gave her farewells that was followed by Regional Trustee Clayton Vandivort being
the nights last speaker. The raffle followed shortly there after, with me winning a small price.
Sun. events started at 8:30 am with the days opening by Den ise. The Area Comm. Report was given by
Area Sect. Jere Johnson. The GSR workshop report given by Cindy Johnson, Area Svc. Comm. Reports
given by the rest of the area chairs. After a short break the ask it basket followed with various questions
being submitted, see notes. That was followed by the last speaker of the conf. Jim Chancy. Afterwards
the Conf. closed at approx. 1l-:30am. This was a condensed version of the weekends activities, I have
notes that go into more detail if anyone would like to see them. At this time I would like to thank all of
you for placing your trust in me to be your trusted servant and will continue to do my best to serve you
to the best of my ability. lt was a very informative weekend and had lots of fun as well. I look forward to
the next assembly which is the winter workshop to be held in New Braunfels Jan. 17-19 20j.4. Once
again thank you, your Dist. 8C DCM Mario Rodriguez.
District 8C Minutes of 8-31-13 meeting (approved)
District 8 Meeting
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Group Attendance:
. Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville -Linda, Bill J, Gary D
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego -
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
o Una Dia a LaYez, Kingsville - Jose
Minutes of July meeting were read by Linda K. and approved as corrected.
Finance report was givefby Linda K.
Committee Reports:
o CFCiJimmy K. (not present)
r Website/Steve M: Started a BLOG for the District
o Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: emailed it to CBLA. Has some printed at home, will
bring to future meetings.
o PI/PCP/Don J: (not present)
o Treatment
o Bilingual:
o Grapevine/Tomas: (not present)
DCM Report:
Mario handed out his printed report and read it to the group. The report included
personal notes to members, activities in his home group 2nd Chance, and his participation
in the Area 68 PVCPC Conference August 16-18 in Austin. Mario will be attending the
Area 68 Fall Assembly October 18, 19,20 in Weslaco.
Old Business:
o The Sept. 2l workshop on "Seryice and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group was reminded of their commihent to bring a food
item to be served at the event, also, to invite members from their groups.
o The idea of hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC Conference was discussed again. It
is still on the "back bumer."
o Archives are still in the *thought process" and hopefully will surface soon.
New Business:
o Motion made by Bill J, 2nd Steve M to have District 8C pay for a case of Big
Books to be mailed to Glossbrenner SAF-P Unit. Linda K will order them on her
credit card when she orders a personal contribution to the Unit; ttre District will
reimbrnse her for their share. Motion passed.
o Motion made by Steve G, 2ott Linda K to have a special line item for literature
included in the finance report. The literatrne fund would be used to buy bools for
any of the correctional facilities within our disfiict. Motion passed.
The basket was passed according to the 7tr Tradition; collections totaled $78.
Next meeting will be September 2l at l:30 pm. The workshop given by James H. will be
in lieu of an official district meeting. If there are urgent items to discuss, members will
meet immediately after the workshop to take care of business.
Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with the Responsibility Statement.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda K, Secretary
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Group Attendance:
. Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville -Linda, Bill J, Gary D
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego -
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
o Una Dia a LaYez, Kingsville - Jose
Minutes of July meeting were read by Linda K. and approved as corrected.
Finance report was givefby Linda K.
Committee Reports:
o CFCiJimmy K. (not present)
r Website/Steve M: Started a BLOG for the District
o Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: emailed it to CBLA. Has some printed at home, will
bring to future meetings.
o PI/PCP/Don J: (not present)
o Treatment
o Bilingual:
o Grapevine/Tomas: (not present)
DCM Report:
Mario handed out his printed report and read it to the group. The report included
personal notes to members, activities in his home group 2nd Chance, and his participation
in the Area 68 PVCPC Conference August 16-18 in Austin. Mario will be attending the
Area 68 Fall Assembly October 18, 19,20 in Weslaco.
Old Business:
o The Sept. 2l workshop on "Seryice and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group was reminded of their commihent to bring a food
item to be served at the event, also, to invite members from their groups.
o The idea of hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC Conference was discussed again. It
is still on the "back bumer."
o Archives are still in the *thought process" and hopefully will surface soon.
New Business:
o Motion made by Bill J, 2nd Steve M to have District 8C pay for a case of Big
Books to be mailed to Glossbrenner SAF-P Unit. Linda K will order them on her
credit card when she orders a personal contribution to the Unit; ttre District will
reimbrnse her for their share. Motion passed.
o Motion made by Steve G, 2ott Linda K to have a special line item for literature
included in the finance report. The literatrne fund would be used to buy bools for
any of the correctional facilities within our disfiict. Motion passed.
The basket was passed according to the 7tr Tradition; collections totaled $78.
Next meeting will be September 2l at l:30 pm. The workshop given by James H. will be
in lieu of an official district meeting. If there are urgent items to discuss, members will
meet immediately after the workshop to take care of business.
Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with the Responsibility Statement.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda K, Secretary
Thursday, October 17, 2013
with us?
AA Thought for the
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
October 17, 2013
It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what,
there is something wrong with us.
If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also.
But are there no exceptions to this rule?
What about "justifiable" anger? If somebody cheats us, aren't we entitled to be mad?
Can't we be properly angry with self-righteous folk?
For us of AA these are dangerous exceptions. We have found that justified anger
ought to be left to those better qualified to handle it.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 90
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
October 17, 2013
It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what,
there is something wrong with us.
If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also.
But are there no exceptions to this rule?
What about "justifiable" anger? If somebody cheats us, aren't we entitled to be mad?
Can't we be properly angry with self-righteous folk?
For us of AA these are dangerous exceptions. We have found that justified anger
ought to be left to those better qualified to handle it.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 90
Saturday, September 21, 2013
AA Thought for the Day
AA Thought for the
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
September 21, 2013
Deep down in every man, woman, and child is the fundamental idea of God.
It may be obscured by calamity, by pomp, by worship of other things,
but in some form or other it is there.
For faith in a Power greater than ourselves,
and miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives,
are facts as old as man himself.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 55
Thought to Ponder . . .
Faith is mighty. Action with faith is mightier.
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
September 21, 2013
Deep down in every man, woman, and child is the fundamental idea of God.
It may be obscured by calamity, by pomp, by worship of other things,
but in some form or other it is there.
For faith in a Power greater than ourselves,
and miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives,
are facts as old as man himself.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 55
Thought to Ponder . . .
Faith is mighty. Action with faith is mightier.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Workshop on September 21, 2013
District 8C will host a
workshop on September 21, 2013 at the AL-K Clubhouse in Kingsville , Texas 819 N. 3rd Street 78363
SWTA Area 68 Alternate
Delegate James H. will present on the subject:
The Importance of Service and
Individual Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous
Homemade Lasagna and all the
trimmings served at 1:30 PM with the workshop following. Any other covered
dishes are welcome.
For more information contact:
Linda at 361-522-1522
Alcoholics Anonymous District
Minutes of 7-20-13 District 8 C Meeting
Minutes of 7-20-13 District 8C Meeting
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Groups present
r Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville - Don, Linda" Thomas, Bill
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego - Jimmy K
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
e Una Di a La Vez, Kingsville - Joe
Meeting was opened by District Committee Member (DCM), Mario R.
Minutes of June meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Committee Reports:
CFC/Jimmy K: Attendance good at Glossbrenner $AF-p. Men are always asking
for Big Books.
Website/Steve M: Webmaster is looking into it.
Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: need information for it. o PVPCP/Don J: asked questions about some of the PI opportunities.
DCM Report:
Mario gave a great and very informative report on the Area Summer Workshop. He
handed out his printed report given at Round Rock and at the District 8C meeting.
Old Business:
o Introduce self support from groups to District. . Pay Al-K $5 to cover electricity; Bill said the building fund would take care of cost.
o Create Archives of District (flyers, minutes, etc.; Steve G will talk to Ron in Alice
to see if he still has archives. Linda has archives from Kelly M
o Web page - Steve M will investigate
o Behind the Walls - volunteers o District members visit each group, one meeting per month; Aug. 5 in Riviera.
o Steve G will look at Area website for voting items at October Assembly. o Linda willretiry Area Registrar of new PO address.
The Sept. 21 workshop on "Service and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group represented committed to a food item to be served at
the event.
New Business:
o Motion made by Linda" 2od Steve M that District donate $70 to Area for Mario's
portion of lodging with Area Officer. Also, to reimburse Mario $85 for his
expenses. Motion passed.
o A flyer for District 8€ workshop on Aug. 10 was presented to all at meeting. No
action or decision was made regarding attendance.
Steve G brought up the idea of Dist 8C hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC
Conference. Action was tabled.
The basket was passed according to the 7th Tradition.
Future meetings will be held in Kingsville unless other group invite the District to their
Next meeting will be August 3l at 1:30 pm
Motion by Jimmy \2"d by Bill J to close meeting. Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with
the Responsibility Statement.
Submitted by Linda K, Secretary
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Groups present
r Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville - Don, Linda" Thomas, Bill
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego - Jimmy K
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
e Una Di a La Vez, Kingsville - Joe
Meeting was opened by District Committee Member (DCM), Mario R.
Minutes of June meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Committee Reports:
CFC/Jimmy K: Attendance good at Glossbrenner $AF-p. Men are always asking
for Big Books.
Website/Steve M: Webmaster is looking into it.
Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: need information for it. o PVPCP/Don J: asked questions about some of the PI opportunities.
DCM Report:
Mario gave a great and very informative report on the Area Summer Workshop. He
handed out his printed report given at Round Rock and at the District 8C meeting.
Old Business:
o Introduce self support from groups to District. . Pay Al-K $5 to cover electricity; Bill said the building fund would take care of cost.
o Create Archives of District (flyers, minutes, etc.; Steve G will talk to Ron in Alice
to see if he still has archives. Linda has archives from Kelly M
o Web page - Steve M will investigate
o Behind the Walls - volunteers o District members visit each group, one meeting per month; Aug. 5 in Riviera.
o Steve G will look at Area website for voting items at October Assembly. o Linda willretiry Area Registrar of new PO address.
The Sept. 21 workshop on "Service and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group represented committed to a food item to be served at
the event.
New Business:
o Motion made by Linda" 2od Steve M that District donate $70 to Area for Mario's
portion of lodging with Area Officer. Also, to reimburse Mario $85 for his
expenses. Motion passed.
o A flyer for District 8€ workshop on Aug. 10 was presented to all at meeting. No
action or decision was made regarding attendance.
Steve G brought up the idea of Dist 8C hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC
Conference. Action was tabled.
The basket was passed according to the 7th Tradition.
Future meetings will be held in Kingsville unless other group invite the District to their
Next meeting will be August 3l at 1:30 pm
Motion by Jimmy \2"d by Bill J to close meeting. Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with
the Responsibility Statement.
Submitted by Linda K, Secretary
SAT. AUG.31,2013
I would like to start off my report with a word of thanks to all who have shown their support
and prayers to me and my family. As some of you know my father-in-law has
been in real poor health, and has been in and out of the hospital several times. My mother-in-
law has also had complete knee replacement and is in a healing and rehab process as well. It
appears that we are just waiting for God to call him home. Once again thanks to all.
On a lighter note I would like to report that the 2^d Chance Group in Fal. Held a brown bag
special fundraiser on Aug. 8th, which consisted of a brisket burger,chips, and a drink for $5.00.
Happy to announce that it was a big success, bringing in a total of $290.00 in donations. All
items used were contributed by the group members, and most of the donations brought in by
family and friends of group members, and being aware of the traditions as far as anonymity was
concerned. Proceeds to be used for the literature fund.
Would also like to report that I had the pleasure of attending the PUCPC conference in Austin
on Aug. 16-18- The theme for the conf. was "Anonymous, not invisible". I found it very
informative and interesting and really enjoyed being in attendance. I am sad to report though
that I accidentally dropped my reading glass case onto the street and they rolled into the storm
drain. The conf. was held at the Hilton Garden Inn and was a real nice hotel, next to the
renowned 6th street. Several workshops were held and some with panels of speakers as well.
A documentary on Bill W was also shown that I found to be very informative, that also gave an
account on his life and history of the program. Several talks were given on the public
information aspect of the conf and cooperating with the professional community as well.
Another speaker gave a talk on Pl outreach: Carrying the message to alcoholics with special
needs, which was interpreted by sign language, which I thought was really neat. After each talk
we all had the opportunity to ask questions if we had any.
Also happy to report that I did very well on the raffle, winning four different items. There were
approx. 80 items to be raffled, which I and a couple of group members from fal donated a few
items. And with this I conclude my report and look forward to attending the assembly in
Weslaco in Oct. thanks for letting me be your trusted servant.
SAT. AUG.31,2013
I would like to start off my report with a word of thanks to all who have shown their support
and prayers to me and my family. As some of you know my father-in-law has
been in real poor health, and has been in and out of the hospital several times. My mother-in-
law has also had complete knee replacement and is in a healing and rehab process as well. It
appears that we are just waiting for God to call him home. Once again thanks to all.
On a lighter note I would like to report that the 2^d Chance Group in Fal. Held a brown bag
special fundraiser on Aug. 8th, which consisted of a brisket burger,chips, and a drink for $5.00.
Happy to announce that it was a big success, bringing in a total of $290.00 in donations. All
items used were contributed by the group members, and most of the donations brought in by
family and friends of group members, and being aware of the traditions as far as anonymity was
concerned. Proceeds to be used for the literature fund.
Would also like to report that I had the pleasure of attending the PUCPC conference in Austin
on Aug. 16-18- The theme for the conf. was "Anonymous, not invisible". I found it very
informative and interesting and really enjoyed being in attendance. I am sad to report though
that I accidentally dropped my reading glass case onto the street and they rolled into the storm
drain. The conf. was held at the Hilton Garden Inn and was a real nice hotel, next to the
renowned 6th street. Several workshops were held and some with panels of speakers as well.
A documentary on Bill W was also shown that I found to be very informative, that also gave an
account on his life and history of the program. Several talks were given on the public
information aspect of the conf and cooperating with the professional community as well.
Another speaker gave a talk on Pl outreach: Carrying the message to alcoholics with special
needs, which was interpreted by sign language, which I thought was really neat. After each talk
we all had the opportunity to ask questions if we had any.
Also happy to report that I did very well on the raffle, winning four different items. There were
approx. 80 items to be raffled, which I and a couple of group members from fal donated a few
items. And with this I conclude my report and look forward to attending the assembly in
Weslaco in Oct. thanks for letting me be your trusted servant.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
DCM Report on District Re-Activation
JULY 12.14,2013
Mario R. DCM District 8C
1. Dist. 8c'at one time was made up of 19 groups; at this time there are only
5 groups that are actively
Dist. 8C. they are AL-K in Kingsville ,2od
Chance group in Falfurrias, Sasto group in Rivierao
Alice Boy and Girls
group Alice, Un Dia LaYez Soup in Kingsville , El Milagro group is in a transition period and
not able to be
supportive of the Dist. at this time.
A. The goups are in Kleberg, Brooks, and Jim Wells counties.
2. Reactivation of
a. On Feb. 22 ArtV. with the datk dist. Commiffee contacted me by phone to see if I would be interested in
making an effort to reactivate Dist. 8C, which had been dark for
several years. After a lengthy and informative
conversation, I agreed.
b. It was agreed that I would make
contaot with the active groups within the Dist. And inform them about my
conversation with Art, and that we wanted to schedule
and visit with the groups.
c. During the month
of Mar. Art and I visited several groups, it was then that our first start up mtg was scheduled
for Apr 27
3. Official Start Up.
a. During the Apr
27 mtgthe members reported that their respective groups showed interest and support of
reactivating the Dist. It was
also at that time that I was DCM elect. Dark Dist. Committee member in Area 68
explained the benefits of being
an active Dist., Area, and
AA as a whole.
. Being a part of AA as a whole o Ability to vote
on issues at Area level o Rotate
meeting location to give more members a chance to
participate r Third Concept of AA -the right of decision e Fourth Concept of AA-right to participate and right
to exercise vote o Privilege to invite Area officers/servants to
attend and present workshops . opportunity to serve as
GSR or DCM as liaison between
groups and Area
Our next Dist mtg was scheduled for June
b' The June 15 mtg was held at the AL-K clubhouse in Kingsville . It became final that
the Dist would become
active and the Al-K group
would be the location for Dist mtgs
Alt Delegate James H. was also present and
it was at
that time that a workshop was scheduled for
Sept 2l after the regular noon mtg.
c. At this time we have one
committee that is active
Webmaster chaired by Steve M., Sasto group.
Other committee
chairs are being considered.
4. Visits
a. As DCM my first svc to the Dist was attending the June 22 forumhosted by 8d in Corpus Christi . The pVCpC
committee legal criminal for professional workshop.
5. Closing
At this time I would like to thank Art V. for all his time and effort and driving time for aiding
us in getting our Dist
Active again. Also like to especially thank all the members of the groups *itfrin the Dist ror itt youit
without you
none of this would have been possible and I am privileged to be part of panel 62 Area 6g.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
District 8C will host a
workshop on September 21, 2013 at the AL-K Clubhouse in Kingsville , Texas 819 N. 3rd Street 78363
SWTA Area 68 Alternate
Delegate James H. will present on the subject:
The Importance of Service and
Individual Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous
Homemade Lasagna and all the
trimmings served at 1:30 PM with the workshop following. Any other covered
dishes are welcome.
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