Minutes of 7-20-13 District 8C Meeting
Meeting was opened at 1:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer by DCM, Mario R
Groups present
r Alice - Steve G.
o Al-K, Kingsville - Don, Linda" Thomas, Bill
. 2nd Chance, Falfurrias - Mario R
o Glossbrenner, San Diego - Jimmy K
o SASTO, Riviera- Steve M.
e Una Di a La Vez, Kingsville - Joe
Meeting was opened by District Committee Member (DCM), Mario R.
Minutes of June meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Committee Reports:
CFC/Jimmy K: Attendance good at Glossbrenner $AF-p. Men are always asking
for Big Books.
Website/Steve M: Webmaster is looking into it.
Flyer for Workshop/Steve M: need information for it. o PVPCP/Don J: asked questions about some of the PI opportunities.
DCM Report:
Mario gave a great and very informative report on the Area Summer Workshop. He
handed out his printed report given at Round Rock and at the District 8C meeting.
Old Business:
o Introduce self support from groups to District. . Pay Al-K $5 to cover electricity; Bill said the building fund would take care of cost.
o Create Archives of District (flyers, minutes, etc.; Steve G will talk to Ron in Alice
to see if he still has archives. Linda has archives from Kelly M
o Web page - Steve M will investigate
o Behind the Walls - volunteers o District members visit each group, one meeting per month; Aug. 5 in Riviera.
o Steve G will look at Area website for voting items at October Assembly. o Linda willretiry Area Registrar of new PO address.
The Sept. 21 workshop on "Service and Individual Participation" by James Hurst
was discussed. Each group represented committed to a food item to be served at
the event.
New Business:
o Motion made by Linda" 2od Steve M that District donate $70 to Area for Mario's
portion of lodging with Area Officer. Also, to reimburse Mario $85 for his
expenses. Motion passed.
o A flyer for District 8€ workshop on Aug. 10 was presented to all at meeting. No
action or decision was made regarding attendance.
Steve G brought up the idea of Dist 8C hosting an Area PVCPC or CFC
Conference. Action was tabled.
The basket was passed according to the 7th Tradition.
Future meetings will be held in Kingsville unless other group invite the District to their
Next meeting will be August 3l at 1:30 pm
Motion by Jimmy \2"d by Bill J to close meeting. Meeting was closed at 3:15 pm with
the Responsibility Statement.
Submitted by Linda K, Secretary