Sunday, January 31, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 31, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 31, 2016

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The unique ability of each AA to identify himself with, and bring recovery to, the newcomer
in no way depends upon his learning, eloquence, or on any special individual skills.
The only thing that matters is that he is an alcoholic who has found a key to sobriety.

- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, pp. 150-151

Thought to Ponder . . .
Newcomers are the lifeblood of the program.  But our oldtimers are the arteries.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Hope, Encouragement, Love, Patience.

A Member Shares:
I'm Bobbie Jo, and I am an alcoholic.  As a newcomer, I used to judge you.  I took your inventory in seconds flat and disregarded everything you said.  Why?  Because I didn't drink like you.  I never got a DUI, never lost a job, nor lost this or that.  I saw all the differences.  Thank God I finally had a sponsor who "suggested" that I learn to relate your story to my story and to hear the similarities among the differences.  You drank did I.  You had a hard time too.  And then, Lo and Behold!  I read the Big Book and found out WE have an allergy, the same stuff.  And WE have the same 12 Steps and Traditions and Concepts.  You are not my guides to progress.  The Steps are my guide.  We talked about Step One in my face-to-face meeting today.  How do we do that with our new folk?  I share what I did; how it was like, what happened, and what I'm like now.  The newbie has to listen to what I'm saying and to try to relate my story to theirs.  If they can't with me, pray it be the next lady.  I told a young man with 9 months sober time to keep asking those questions.  He surely helped me today.  It's not the clock on the wall that's my guide; it's how I live my sober life with the principles of The Program.  Thank you.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
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Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Friday, January 29, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 30, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 30, 2016

An Open Mind
When I came to AA, I realized that God was speaking to me through my group.
My mind was open just enough to know that I needed His help.
A real, honest acceptance of AA took more time, but with it came humility.  I know how insane I was,
and I am extremely grateful to have my sanity restored to me and to be a sober alcoholic.

- Daily Reflections, p. 300

Thought to Ponder . . .
Minds are like parachutes -- they won't work unless they're open.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
T L C = Tears, Laughter, Caring.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website
G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 29, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 29, 2016

On his desk, Dr. Bob had a plaque defining humility:
"Perpetual quietness of heart.  It is to have no trouble.  It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore;
to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me.
It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised, it is to have a blessed home in myself
where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace,
as in a deep sea of calmness, when all and around is seeming trouble."

- Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers, p. 222

Thought to Ponder . . .
The storm has passed.  I've learned a little more about peace.  It was inside all the time.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O P E = Hang On!  Peace Exists.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 27, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 27, 2016

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Round-the-Clock Faith
Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in an through us, or we perish.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 16

Thought to Ponder . . .
People of faith have a logical idea of what life is all about.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Finding Answers In The Heart.

A Member Shares:
I'm Craig, an alcoholic.  As the saying goes, "faith without works is dead."  Over the years, being in AA through trial and error, I have found my faith ... a real faith that I can and do have today.  Faith in my Higher Power, who I choose to call God, is very strong today.  Even though it's a faith I cannot reach out and physically touch, my spirituality is close to God.  All the miracles I've witnessed reflect the fact that I know God is real.  Through all my suicide attempts (and these attempts were not for attention), I see today that God had me the whole time.  Through all the relapses, the shakes, the tremors, the nightmares from sobering up, the feeling I was dying, it's been a good journey so far.  Through trial and error, it's been a journey to find myself and to see who Craig really is.  I think I always had faith, just sometimes through the years it was a little mustard seed.  Today, through working with God, the AA program, and the AA fellowship I have blossomed into a beautiful person.  Round-the-clock faith to me is essential if I am to maintain my sobriety today.  Thanks for letting me share.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 26, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 26, 2016

Stepping into the first footprint that led from the dismal swamp of alcoholism
toward the sunlight of sobriety would not take me far enough.
Would I muddle along on some trail of my own in the weeds, vaguely paralleling the clearly marked AA road?
Or would I choose to follow the exact footsteps of the AAs who preceded?  The choice was up to me.

- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2], p. 136

Thought to Ponder . . .
I stood in the sunlight at last.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Always Alive.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 25, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 25, 2016

Such is the paradox of AA regeneration: strength arising out of complete defeat and weakness,
the loss of one's old life as a condition for finding a new one.
But we of AA do not have to understand this paradox, we have only to be grateful for it.

- Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, p. 46

Thought to Ponder . . .
I have learned how a heart full of gratitude feels.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
T H I N K = Thank Heavens, I Now Know.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Friday, January 22, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 23, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 23, 2016

I know that I am not a total loss, even when I think I am.
I know that freedom and usefulness, love, outgoingness, and sharing are the important things in life.
But even more important, I have to care for me and achieve a sense of self-worth.
So I continue to listen.  I am still open to suggestions.  I continue on my way.  And I am on the way up.

- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 1], pp. 24-25

Thought to Ponder . . .
The more accepting I am of myself, the more accepting I am of others.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Altered Attitudes.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

AA Thought for the Day - January 22, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 22, 2016

Under the lash of alcoholism, we are driven to AA, and there we discover the fatal nature of our situation.
Then, and only then, do we become as open-minded to conviction and as willing to listen as the dying can be.
We stand ready to do anything which will lift the merciless obsession from us.

- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 24

Thought to Ponder . . .
Within our wonderful new world, we have found freedom from our fatal obsession.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
S W A T = Surrender, Willingness, Acceptance, Trust.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 21, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 21, 2016

Trying to argue yourself out of a drink is rather like attempting self-hypnosis.
Often, it is about as effective as trying to persuade a pregnant mare not to foal when her term has come.
For these reasons, then, when we suggest avoiding fatigue and hunger,
we often tie in a mention of one more hazard to make it a triple play:
"Don't let yourself get too tired, too hungry, or too lonely."  Check it out.
If the notion of taking a drink crosses your mind any time soon, pause to consider.
As often as not, you are likely to find you are in one or more of those three high-risk conditions.

- Living Sober, pp. 36-37

Thought to Ponder . . .
If I don't drink today, I have the hope of a tomorrow.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H A L T = Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 20, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 20, 2016

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Step Three
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him."

In all times of emotional disturbance or indecision, we can pause, ask for quiet, and in the stillness simply say:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.  Thy will, not mine, be done."

- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 41

Thought to Ponder . . .
The stillness of God speaks louder than a choir of voices.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness,

A Member Shares:
Good morning everyone, my name is Rick, and I am an alcoholic.  Step 3 is the Step I spend the most time practicing and the most time failing at.  I find it much easier to admit I'm an alcoholic, accept that I need AA and a Higher Power to stay sober and grow spiritually.  I take inventory daily, I pray, I work hard to forgive people who've wronged me and I try to recognize and make amends to people I've wronged.  I look out for others the way I'd like to be looked out for.  But turning my will and my life over to God I flub all the time.  I turn it over every morning and I take it back multiple times every day.  I just don't succeed at adhering to this Step long-term, even though I consider it perhaps the most important Step for me, to growing.  Whenever things are going really well, I take my will back because I get cocky and think I'm on solid ground.  Whenever things are going wrong, I take my will back because I need to micro-manage and take control of the situation to fix it, my way.  Both reactions get me in trouble.  Always have.  Safe bet they always will.  I've forced myself to practice spot-checking myself every couple of hours, just to improve on this Step.  I take a couple of minutes and reflect on my previous couple of hours and look for areas I allowed my will to be handled by God and for areas where I reacted instead of responded to an issue.  The Serenity Prayer really helps me with says so much in so few words...and it helps me bigtime.  I don't know if I'll ever get this Step down to my satisfaction, but I'm going to keep trying.  Thank you for letting me share.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

AA Thought for the Day - January 19, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 19, 2016

Our whole treasured philosophy of self-sufficiency had to be cast aside.  This had not been done with old-fashioned willpower;
it was instead a matter of developing the willingness to accept these new facts of living.
We neither ran nor fought.  But accept we did.  And then we were free.
There had been no irretrievable disaster.

- The Language of the Heart, p. 271

Thought to Ponder . . .
Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A B C = Acceptance, Belief, Change.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Monday, January 18, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 18, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 18, 2016

The alcoholic is like a tornado roaring his way through the lives of others.  Hearts are broken.  Sweet relationships are dead.
Affections have been uprooted.  Selfish and inconsiderate habits have kept the home in turmoil.
We feel a man is unthinking when he says that sobriety is enough.
He is like the farmer who came up out of his cyclone shelter to find his home ruined.  To his wife, he remarked,
"Don't see anything the matter here, Ma.  Ain't it grand the wind stopped blowin'?"

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 82

Thought to Ponder . . .
Without change I am just a non-drinking drunk.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
C H A O S = Creating Havoc Around Ourselves.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 17, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 17, 2016

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Working With Others
. . . the thought came that there were thousands of hopeless alcoholics who might be glad to have
what had been so freely given me.
Perhaps I could help some of them.  They in turn might work with others.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 14

Thought to Ponder . . .
Sharing is sometimes more demanding than giving.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
= Experience, Strength, and Hope.

A Member Shares:
I'm Susan, an alcoholic, grateful to be alive and sober.  I was reminded this week of a time when I was standing in the middle of a road too afraid to die as a drunk and too afraid to live as a sober person.  For around my first 9 months of sobriety, that was like hell itself.  I wish today I could tell you exactly how I flipped that switch.  But the only thing I recall is that I stopped comparing myself to each of you, and just got real honest about what my drinking days had looked like, and how alcohol had essentially taken complete control of my mind.  And there are moments when I wish I could flip someone else's switch for them.  But I have to accept that this is not possible.  All I can do is focus on my relationship with my Higher Power and pray that they find their moment too.  We have made it this far into these rooms.  One thing I do try to remember as a constant, is my gratitude that I am one who God has chosen (among many) to make it this far.  Thanks for listening, and blessings to all.

To respond to the sharer, please email and it will be forwarded to them.
(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
For further information about AA-Alive, including:
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

AA Thought for the Day - January 16, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 16, 2016

Remember, AA is not going to preserve itself automatically.
What are we, each one of us, doing with the gift of sobriety, so freely and lovingly given?
Will we squander our magnificent inheritance?
Perhaps each one of us should hold on to these thoughts:
"Keep me mindful of the responsibilities that accompany the blessings of freedom.
The only time that wrong can prevail is when good people do nothing."

- The Home Group: Heartbeat of AA, p. 60

Thought to Ponder . . .
We can make a difference.  Without you, there is no 'we.'

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Always Awesome.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

AA Thought for the Day - January 15, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 15, 2016

Spiritual Progress
Many of us exclaimed, "What a order!  I can't go through with it."  Do not be discouraged.
No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles.  We are not saints.
The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines.
The principles we have set down are guides to progress.  We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 60

Thought to Ponder . . .
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional, growing spiritually is up to me.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Achieve Anything.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website
G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

AA Thought for the Day - January 14, 2016

AA Thought for the Day

January 14, 2016

"Yet we finally did make choices that brought about our recovery.
We came to believe that alone we were powerless over alcohol.
This was surely a choice, and a most difficult one.
We came to believe that a Higher Power could restore us to sanity when we became willing to practice AA's Twelve Steps.
In short, we chose to 'become willing,' and no better choice did we ever make."

- As Bill Sees It, p. 4

Thought to Ponder . . .
I am worth staying sober for.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
S W A T = Surrender, Willingness, Action, Trust.
Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

For further information about AA-Alive, including
Meeting Schedule
The Daily Thought Discussion Board
Service Opportunities
AA Birthday Signups
Helpful links and much more
Please go to our Website

G.S.O. Registration Number: 712515

** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.