Sunday, February 22, 2015


JAN. 30-FEB.1, 2015

Mario Rodriguez, DCM Dist. 8C. Dist. 8C is comprised of a total of 7 active groups at this time, they are the AL-K group and the Un Dia La Vez group which is a bilingual group, both in Kingsville, the Some Are Sicker Than Others group, aka (SASTO) in Riviera these groups are in Kleberg county. My home group, the 2nd Chance group in Falfurrias in Brooks county. The Premont group in Premont, the Alice group in Alice, both these groups in Jim Wells county.  The Freedom From Bondage group at the Glossbrener unit in San Diego in Duval county.  Dist. 8C has the support of these groups and is financially fit at this time and supports it DCM thru its own contributions.
Dist. 8C continues to be active within the Area, and continues to support its groups within the Dist. This past Nov. our Delegate James Hurst gave his Delegates report and was hosted at the AL-K  Serenity Clubhouse.  A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served prior to his report. Dist. 8C would like to thank James once again for his awesome presentation it was very informative and enjoyable, and to all the other Area officers and chairs for their continued dedication to service.
Would also like report that I had the pleasure of attending the 61st annual Coastal Bend Jamboree held in Corpus Christi this past weekend, it was a pleasure to see and visiting with friends from around the area. And look forward to upcoming Jamborees and  say great job to all those that made it happen.
Dist. 8C has several standing committees, PI/CPC, Grapevine, Webmaster, Bilingual, Correctional.  Dist.8C meets monthly on the 3rd Sat. of the month, except  months with Area workshops or assemblies.  Dist.8C is also looking forward to working in conjunction with Dists. 8E and 8D to host this year upcoming PI/CPC  Area conference to be held in Corpus Christi. We are looking forward to attending the upcoming planning mtg. this coming month.  We are excited and looking forward to working together to make the conference a big success and would like to thank Dists. 8E and 8D for asking us to be a part of the hosting process. 
On a personal note it is hard to believe that half of my term as DCM is already over it seems that it went by so quickly. I am looking forward to the rest of my upcoming term, and would like to say that when I was first nominated for this position I was a little apprehensive, I had doubts in my ability to perform the duties of this position. I thought that I may not have time or that it was going to be overwhelming that I may not have what it took to fill the position. But I would like to say that I am so glad that I accepted the position, because thru the God of my understanding and the support and encouragement of the groups in my Dist. and support of the Area has made this all possible, and would like to say thank you .  And taught me not to doubt or fear and that God continues to do for us what we could not do for our selves.
In conclusion I would like to say thank you once again to all for their continued support and encouragement.  And a special thank you to my family for all their support and help.
May God Bless you and keep you till we meet again.

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