Saturday, June 27, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - June 28, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

June 28, 2015

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Living Sober
Living sober turns out to be not at all grim, boring, and uncomfortable, as we had feared,
but rather something we began to enjoy and find much more exciting than our drinking days.
We'll show you how.

- Living Sober, Preface

Thought to Ponder . . .
Life will take on new meaning.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O W = Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.

A Member Shares:
Hello Family, my name is Lance, and I have it too: Alcoholism.  What are our alternatives to drinking?  Institutions, jails, death.  Not a great future, huh?  What little good there is left in us, alcohol will take away and then laugh in our faces.  I see this business of living sober as very, very, serious for those of us who are no longer cucumbers.  Once your brain is pickled like mine was, ain't no turning back to carefree drinking.  When I went to AA, I noticed that evening that I still had a desire to drink, so I raced back to the meeting the next day and evening.  I was hyped up that I could actually do this with some kind of plan or program which AA provided, along with the great track record of sober people I could see face-to-face as living proof.  Those weeks for me were my "Pink Cloud," and I couldn't stop smiling.  I walked all over Berlin and smiled at everyone who crossed my path, even though Germans don't normally smile, if rarely, in public.  Then something horrible happened.  The pink cloud evaporated and I was left with all the guilt, remorse, depression, and the fact I had done it all to myself, unaided by any other.  This is where I learned about mental sobriety, or emotional sobriety, if you will.  Step work put a lot of that into perspective.  Being a musician, I have a keen sense of fantasy.  The only problem there was that I couldn't figure out what was real or fantasy.  And my concept of God kept changing.  I learned my Higher Power was good and kind and forgiving.  I had to learn to forgive myself and anyone or whoever I imagined had hurt me.  Boy! was it liberating!  So much follows when we lay that sober groundwork to our lives, and the rest starts to flow a lot more gracefully.  We have ceased fighting, not only alcohol, but anyone in our environment.  Then the peace sets in with regular prayer and meditation.  This is the true way to live; not trapped in some horrible past we have created.  I have today to change, and that's good enough for me!  Thanks for listening.

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Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
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