Saturday, August 15, 2015

AA Thought for the Day - August 16, 2015

AA Thought for the Day

August 16, 2015

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Step One
"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol -- that our lives had become unmanageable."

- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 5

Thought to Ponder . . .
Take the first step in faith.  We don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
S T E P S = Solutions Through Each Positive Step.

A Member Shares:
Hi, I'm Jenny, an alcoholic.  Step One is such an important Step for us alkies in recovery.  And I find that even with some years now, it's a constant for me each day to remember.  I believe my Higher Power got me to AA through another member.  I couldn't understand why I couldn't drink like others, comparing myself while I was still active to normal drinkers.  Today, I understand the difference: in the end, I drank without my permission, saying each morning, "I will not drink today.  I am done."  But before the day was over I was drunk again, thinking each time it would be different.  The only difference was that in the end it kept getting worse ... longer hangovers, longer blackouts, doing things I never would have done sober.  Well, you all know what I am getting at.  In other words, while actively drinking my life definitely became unmanageable, even though I still was working and had my own home, etc.  On the outside, I looked as though I could handle the booze, but inside I knew differently.  So the first part of Step One was very apparent for me when I finally understood what alcoholism is, and I accepted that right away.  The second part took a wee bit longer.  But I kept coming, took the advice of the elders whom I began to watch very closely, and listened to their suggestions.  I knew I was licked when it came to booze.  I was done.  And each day I remember this acceptance by asking my HP for help to stay away from a drink and continue to work the Steps to the best of my ability.  Well, I change that to try to live the Steps, which can be a task some days more than others.  But if you want to stay sober; if you feel you are done, then this program can help you stay sober one day at a time.  Stick with the winners.  And for the new people, try not to drink today and keep coming back.  There are many miracles within our halls of AA.  Thanks for letting me share.

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(All shares are reproduced with the kind permission of the person sharing)

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b
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** Trademarks and Disclaimer: **
Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. The AA Daily Thought is neither endorsed by, approved by, associated nor affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., or The AA Grapevine, Inc.
Disclaimer: The Daily Thought is meant for domestic distribution only and for countries where it is in public domain.

Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

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